Braking Resistor Calculator

You can use the following two calculators to help size your brake resistor.

If you have all the mechanical variables of your system and have a deceleration application, you should use the “Energy method”.

If you are attempting to perform VFD braking, either deceleration or overhauling, and have the basic specs of your drive… you can use the “Drive specs method”.

If you’re not confident about these variables, we recommend you refer back to our Braking Resistor page which has more details in the “Useful Information” section. Alternatively, you can give us a call or an email and we’d be happy to help in braking resistor sizing.

Braking Resistor Calculator – Energy Method


DBR Requirements

Peak Braking Power = [(field1 + ((field3*field3)*field17))*(((2*3.14159265359*field7/60))*(((2*3.14159265359*field7/60))-((2*3.14159265359*field8/60))))/field9] W

Average Braking Power = [((((field1 + ((field3*field3)*field17))*(((2*3.14159265359*field7/60))*(((2*3.14159265359*field7/60))-((2*3.14159265359*field8/60))))/field9)/2)*(((2*3.14159265359*field7/60)+(2*3.14159265359*field8/60))/(2*3.14159265359*field7/60))*((field9)/field35))] W

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Braking Resistor Calculator – Drive Specs Method

Braking Typepick one!

Additional Variables

DBR Requirements

Peak Braking Power = [(field1*746)*(field17/100)*1.05] W

Average Braking Power = [(field1*746)*(field17/100)*(field67/100)*1.05] W

Average Braking Power = [(field1*746)*(field17/100)*(field67/100)*1.05/2] W

Minimum Resistance = [field41] Ohms

Max Resistance = [(field52*1.55*field52*1.55)/((field1*746)*(field17*1.05/100))] Ohms

Please note, braking power is conservatively stated (slightly overstated), motor and drive efficiency is considered 100%. Maximum resistance can be slightly over or understated depending on your Vdc setpoint.

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